Nurturing plants
Grassroots movement.
Humans and nature are inextricably linked and influenced by each other. Our nurturing plants remind us of this fact every day. Not only do we know their effects, but we also know where the best ones grow in the wild, and cultivate the most beautiful ones in our very own gardens. Nature is our home. Without responsibility, respect and mutual effort, nothing will survive. You can’t have one without the other – and we are better together
We are convinced that every plant has its own unique history. Just like people. And, also just like people, their character is shaped by experience. Their history affects the quality of their shells, seeds, roots, flowers, leaves, branches and stems. Every plant is influenced by its location and its potential to grow, the available nutrients, light and sun, the purity of the air and the water, and the time and method of harvesting. These are all things that make the plants we process for you so special.
It’s also why our gardeners can often be found out in the fields early in the morning, sowing or harvesting by hand. On cold mornings, when the frost from the night before still clings to the meadows. In the heat of summer, when the beehives swarm with activity and the fragrant flowers smell better than the world’s most expensive perfume. And today, they are working the same plot of land that Rudolf Hauschka purchased in the late 1950s. Back then, it was just a swampy meadow. Today, the soil has a fine, crumbly texture and is easy to work. More than 150 different nurturing plants used in the creation of WALA products spread their roots across these 4.5 hectares (11 acres) of land. The setting looks like it’s been plucked straight out of a fairytale: A waterlily pond, a babbling brook, beehives, flower meadows and small tree groves are populated with dragonflies, toads and fire salamanders. We work biodynamically and follow the rhythm of nature. We do not force anything to maximize our harvest. And despite (or perhaps thanks to) this approach, we harvest strong, healthy plants.
We are particularly proud of the wild meadows in the Black Forest and the Vosges mountains, where our wild collectors pick, among other things, eyebright and arnica at altitudes of up to 900 meters (2,953 feet) – by hand and on foot. Arnica is an endangered plant. We therefore pay very careful attention to how much we harvest on these three hectares (seven acres), so that it can continue to propagate undisturbed. We make sure to only mow the meadows once the arnica has scattered its seeds. This way, we keep the areas free of bushes and trees and protect the habitat of these special nurturing plants. Biodiversity is a top priority for us. With every plant we harvest, we also collect its history. And because we work as gently and respectfully as possible, the extracts we obtain are always of the highest quality.